Monday, November 3, 2008

Abigail Elizabeth Robinson

We are proud to announce the birth of our daughter, Abigail Elizabeth Robinson. She was born at 11:33am on Tuesday, October 28th. She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. What an experience it was to bring her into this world! Thank you God for bringing us through that difficult time. Monday evening we went in for part 1 of induction where they gave me something to help soften and dilate. It took them 3 tries to get an iv started. I have many a bruise to prove it. My poor veins didn't show up. I started feeling some contractions during the night. It was not comfortable at all but I guess that's what labor is all about. They started part 2 of induction (pitocin) Tuesday morning at 8 am. I still wasn't dilated so my OB said we can wait and see what the pitocin does or go ahead and do a c-section. Mark, my mom and I decided that waiting would be a better option. My contractions got stronger and faster and they kept asking me if I wanted my epideral yet but I declined until about 10:45 am. The epideral was at about 40% and they were having trouble getting Abigail's heartbeat reading. My OB came in and said that I was 2 cm dilated but Abigail's head was still high. I was put on oxygen and since they were having trouble getting Abigail's heartbeat from my belly, they decided to go a different route and insert a heart monitor attachment which would attach to Abigail's head. That meant they had to break my water. As soon as they broke my water and got Abigail's heartbeat reading they said her heartbeat was down to 40 and we had to do an emergency c-section. The aweful thing about this was that Mark and his mom were down in the cafeteria. My mom was with me and she tried to call Mark but he didn't answer. I was freaking out. I've never seen so many nurses in all my life. I felt like I was on ER or some other show like that. They rushed me out so quick. I remember saying over and over again on the quick trip to the operating room, "Oh God, please protect Abigail, Oh God, please protect Abigail." Now remember, my epideral was only at 40% so when we got in the operating room, they tried to up it as fast as they could. Unfortunately, they didn't do it fast enough and I felt them cut me open. OUCH!!!! I screamed like I've never screamed before. The anesthesiologist quickly put me to sleep. Next thing I remember I am slowly waking up in the recovery room. They took my glasses off which kinda made the waking up experience even harder. The first words I heard from a nurse was that Abigail was fine and that we did well. What a relief and an answer to prayer! Thank you God! My OB came in and said that when they pulled Abigail out, her cord was wrapped around her neck and belly. I was wheeled up to my room and I finally got to hold my little Abigail at about 3:30 pm. She is absolutely beautiful! It is amazing what God can do! Thank you to all who prayed for us during the pregnancy and delivery. I had a rough time Wednesday night into Thursday morning. I couldn't nurse Abigail because I was so sick. I finally started to feel better Thursday evening and should have gone home on Friday. My first solid meal was Friday morning so the doctor wanted me to stay another day to make sure I was completely better. We got released at about 12:15 Saturday with a clean bill of health for me and Abigail. I go back next week to get my lovely c-section staples removed so pray that I heal quickly and completely. Also pray for me to be able to nurse well. With the hours recovering from surgery and the almost day of not being able to nurse because I was so sick, it has caused some issues with my supply. We've had to supplement with formula the last 24 hours. With Mark back to work, my mom has been such a tremendous help through all of this. I couldn't do it without both of them helping out. We have an appointment with the pediatrician tomorrow morning at 8:40am. Please pray that the appointment goes well.


Terri said...

Oh Candy!! Congratulations!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Wow what an ORDEAL you had!! Thank God it turned out well!!! Congratulations mommy!

Heather said...

She is beautiful! Good job Candy, you went through a lot, but I'm sure when you look at your baby girl you feel it was worth it. Congrats to you guys.God is good! She is an answered prayer! Love you guys!

Julie said...

Oh she is beautiful!!! WOW God did amazing things when we go boldly to His throne. I am so glad ya'll are home and doing well!!!

Cheryl said...

Candy, I so thankful everything turned out right and you were both protected!!

She is absolutly beautiful!!

Find a La Leche League person and fast!!!

If you want to nurse, you can! Get help, the sooner the better!!

Anonymous said...

Im sobbing crying reading about Abigail. Tears of joy thanking God for keeping her and you safe. I'm so happy you are a mommy and Mark a daddy. Abigail is so lucky to have you both. I can't wait to see her. Please pray i feel better so I can hold her. I've had a terrible cough/cold thing for over a week now. I have way to much going on. I will email you details soon. Love ya'll! TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!

Angie said...

Congats you guys! She is precious.