Welcome to our new blog! We decided to start this blog after enjoying The Knutson Klan updates so much. I often feel out of touch with everyone because of a busy schedule and introvert personality but that's no one's fault but my own. This is going to change with the help of this blog. Mark and I are a match.com success story. We met online on May 19th, 2005 and got married August 19, 2006. Married life has been great! Mark and I are very busy with our work schedules. I have been working for Getloaded.com for a little over 3 years. I started out in the call center but have been the currently the Administrative Support Supervisor for 2 years. My department handles the faxes, emails, scheduling and alot of other administrative work. My days are always busy but I enjoy that type of work. Mark has been working for UPS for the past month. He's such a hard worker! He's been going in at 3:30 am the past week or so to do the package handling until about 8:30-9:00am. He then meets a UPS driver around 9:30-10:00 to assist with delivering packages. The driving hours vary but he has been out past 6pm a few nights. What a long day! Please pray that he stays safe, gets plenty of rest and thay UPS will hire him on full time after the peak season. Mark was working some with Food Lion also but had to cut back due to the increasing hours at UPS. God has been good to us! We are members of the World's Greatest Church and definitely are blessed with a loving and friendly church family. I have been a member since 1998. When Mark and I were dating, he also joined the church. I teach the 4&5 year old Junior Church class which is during the morning church service. I average about 5-7 children each Sunday. They are such a joy at that age. No diapers and no attitudes (yet)! Mark and I are both in the Adult Choir. I have always enjoyed singing since I was a little girl. I'm not sure if Mark is as passionate about singing as I am though. There's so much more to share but I think that's enough for now. Be on the look out for more posts soon! God is good! All the time!
Love it! I'll be sure to check it frequently! Love you guys!
Candy ... we have something in common!!! Jesse and I are also a success story from Match.com!
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