Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas with the Robinson's

Mark and I left on Friday to spend some time with his side of the family for Christmas. We arrived at his dad's house in Harrisonburg Friday evening. It's always so lovely there. Mark was able to learn to drive stick shift with his dad's help Saturday morning. I'm so proud of Mark. He really wants to get a driver job with UPS and learning stick shift will hopefully help in the future. I'm glad that Mark was able to catch on quickly because I know he was worried about it. We headed to Winchester later that morning to visit his brother's family. They have such a beautiful home. We had a grand time visiting. Mark's mom was there for a stay during the holidays. It's always a joy to see her. Mark's dad, stepmom and family friend made it up for the dinner also. The food was excellent. We even suprised Mark's brother with a birthday cake and a bunch of cards. Mark and I played a couple games of foosball. It was even better with our neice and nephew, Anna and Will, joined in for a couple games. There were a few gifts exchanged later on and then the Robinson's traditional game of hearts. I so much enjoy watching them play. Grandma Belle was the grandmaster for sure! I love spending time with family; we definitely should do it more often! Mark's brother graciously paid for our room at a nice hotel near by. We were back to the house by 11am this morning. Breakfast was even ready for us! What a joy this trip has been. Another game of hearts took place this morning and Grandma Belle mastered the game again. We had Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and watched some football. Mark and I played another couple games of foosball. He won. His brother and neice joined us for 3 games and beat us all 3 times. It was fun although we lost. Maybe I'll be better for next time! We headed for home around 3:30. I drove so Mark could get some rest. Traffic was heavy but we made it in good time. Mark had to work early tomorrow morning and then we'll head to Virginia Beach to spend Christmas Eve with his aunts, uncles and cousins. Christmas morning, we'll head to Elizabeth City to see my side of the family. We haven't seen my parents since February and the rest of the family since last Christmas. It will be good to see them. Mark and I are truly blessed with a good, loving and supportive family. Pray for our safety. Until next time......God is good! All the time!

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