Friday, May 28, 2010
Abigail is 19 months old
Another month has passed and Abigail is growing so fast. She is 19 months old today! Abigail has such a fun personality. Her facial expressions make me laugh. She absolutely loves to go outside. Lately, she likes to go on the balcony and play with bubbles or just run around on the grass around the apartment. We are so blessed with a happy and healthy daughter. Enjoy the pictures. Until next time...God is good! All the time!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
5 years ago
Today is a special anniversary for us. 5 years ago today, I received an email on from mrobinson34 aka Mark. This email intiated the beginning of wonderful life together. Thank you God for directing our paths together. We are blessed! Until next time....God is good! All the time!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Weekend trip to Grandma Belle's
We took a quick trip down to Virginia Beach for a visit with Grandma Belle last weekend. It was too short of a trip but we had a good time. Friday night, we went out with a few family friends. Abigail didn't get a nap that day but she behaved very well in the restaurant. I guess she missed her crib because she only got about 8 hours of sleep that night instead of her normal 12 hours. No nap on Saturday either but she still was in a good mood. Spending time with Grandma Belle, John and Grandma Donna was a blessing. Hopefully, we'll do it again soon. We headed home after visiting a family friend in a retirement community. Abigail had never met this dear lady but warmed up rather quickly. The trip back was a little rough since Abigail fought sleep until the last 30 minutes. Poor thing was so tired, she didn't even wake up when I got her out of the car. Enjoy the video and pictures. Until next time...God is good! All the time!

Mother's Day 2010
We went to my Aunt Susan's house in Washington, NC for Mother's Day this year. It was good to see my parents, grandma, granddaddy, Aunt Susan, Uncle Royce and my cousin, Jamie and his family. The food was great and we were blessed with beautiful weather. Jamie's youngest ones were wild enough to get into the pool. The water was way too cold but they got in anyway. Abigail loves bath time so much she wanted to get in the pool too. My mom (aka Nonny) held Abigail while she put her feet in the pool. Abigail never got a nap during our visit but she enjoyed her time with Nonny, Aunt Susan and her second cousin, Gretchen. It was a long day but definitely worth it. Abigail was asleep within 5 minutes of us driving home. Being able to spend another Mother's Day with my healthy happy, beautiful daughter, my wonderful husband and some of my side of the family was a true blessing. Thank you God! Enjoy the pictures. Until next time...God is good! All the time!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Abigail's 18 month appointment
Abigail went for her 18 month appointment this morning. She weighs 24 lbs 13 oz (slightly above the average mark) and is 33 1/2 inches long (90-95%). She gained 1 pound 2 ounces and grew an inch and a half in 3 months! No wonder some of the 18 month clothes aren't fitting right any more! The pediatrician said she's doing great and doesn't have to go back until she is two years old. Poor thing got 3 shots today. She cried for just a minute but it never gets easier watching her cry and scream in pain. There were a few whimpers of pain on the drive home too. She took a 3 hour and 45 minute nap when we got home. She was a little fussy tonight but the major snuggling definitely outweighed the minor fussiness. We thank God for our healthy, beautiful, happy daughter. Please keep us in your prayers. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Park and dinner with friends
Friday evening we went to the park. It was such a beautiful day. We only spent about 15 minutes there and Mark made some last minute plans for dinner. We were honored to eat dinner at El Ranchero followed by icecream at Bruster's with Uncle Roy (aka Pop), Mrs. Bennett (aka Mimi), Tristen, Aubrie, Mrs. Talley (aka Nana) and the World's Greatest Preacher. We thank God for our church family! Enjoy the pictures. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
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