I am truly thankful for a wonderful family. God has blessed us with such a loving and caring family. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far. It is a time for me to reflect on all of God's blessings and also to spend quality time with family. Belle came up yesterday and spent the night with us in Richmond. She is always so bubbly and loving. We got up early this morning and headed to Elizabeth City to have Thanksgiving dinner with my mom's family. My cousin, April, has a beautiful home. The food was delicious and the company was even better. Thank you God for my family. I even sang a special duet with April for my mom. What a blessing that was. Thank you April for singing with me. Thank you Mom for asking us to sing. I hope it was as much a blessing to you as it was to me. You are such a great example for me. I love you with all my heart!
I only took a few pictures today. Abigail got about a 20 minute nap while snuggling with me on the love seat and then about a 40 minute nap on the way home. She did get to see some helicopters before we left. :) April's husband, Brian, is in the Coast Guard and he let her play with a small helicopter while he showed her a video on the computer. I wish we could have stayed longer but Mark has to work at 11 tonight. We are thankful for his job but the hours sometimes make it hard for us to travel. Well now that Abigail has gone down for the night, I am not far behind. Until next time...God is good! All the time!

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