We had a great Christmas holiday visiting our families. We headed to Virginia Beach once Mark got home from work Christmas Eve. It's a two hour drive down there but thankfully traffic wasn't bad at all. We went straight to Mark's cousin's house for the Hadley Christmas Eve party. The food was good and it was nice to see his relatives. They did a gift exchange and we unexpectingly got several gifts for Abigail. Thank you to all that gave! We then headed to Mark's mom's house and stayed the night. Abigail slept from 11pm to 6:30am. That was a great Christmas present to me! She was a little fussy before she went to bed so I think she wore herself out. On Christmas morning I fixed cheesy scalloped potatos to take to my aunt's house for Christmas lunch. While it was baking, Mark, Belle, Billy and I exchanged gifts. Abigail got even more stuff! She is one blessed baby. Thank you Grandma Belle! After the gift exchange, we all packed up and drove an hour to Elizabeth City, NC to spend time with my mom's side of the family. It was so good to see my parents again. Mom (aka Nonni) didn't even say hello when I walked in. She asked, "Where's the baby?" I was told by my aunt that I'm second choice now. :0) I got a great picture of Abigail smiling at Nonni. Thanks Mom for feeding her and loving on her! Christmas lunch was delicious as always. I ate too much but I just couldn't resist all that good food! We exchanged gifts in the afternoon. Abigail got more and more stuff! Thanks Nonni and Grandpa! Belle and Billy left for Virginia Beach soon after the gift exchange but Mark, Abigail and I stayed until after we had leftovers for dinner. It was hard saying bye to family. We wished we lived closer to family. It's hard being in Richmond without our families. Don't get us wrong, the church family is wonderful but there's nothing like your real family! Thank you to all of our family for loving and supporting us so much. We are truly blessed! Until next time...God is good! All the time!
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