Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
From our family to yours, we wish everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year! Abigail goes on Monday for her two month check-up. I will post her weight and other measurements when we get back. Enjoy the video I took of her earlier today (please excuse the background noise, it's her humidifier). Thank you for praying for us. Please continue! Until next time...God is good! All the time!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Abigail is 2 months old
It's hard to believe that Abigail is 2 months old today. Time has certainly flown by since the delivery. We are truly blessed with a wonderful and healthy baby girl. Thank you God! Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for us. Please continue to do so. I start back to work in 3 weeks. My heart's desire is to stay home and take care of our precious little Abigail but unfortunately that is not going to happen. We visited the daycare last week and are very pleased with it. It's not official yet but I'm pretty sure that we will be taking Abigail there. Please keep us in your prayers. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Abigail's First Christmas
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A quick visit to Harrisonburg
We went to Harrisonburg on Tuesday for a surprise visit for Mark's dad's 70th birthday. Mark's brother, Bobby, drove down from Winchester and met us there too. Mark's dad was completely surprised. It was good to see Bill, Donna and Bobby and to chat for a little while. I only got a picture of Abigail with Donna and Bobby though. Sorry about that! We didn't stay long because of Mark's work schedule with UPS. He has to be at work at 1am so he needs to be in bed by 6pm in order to get enough sleep to function. He has put in alot of hours this month. It definitely helps with the medical bills that keep coming in for Abigail's birth. She is completely worth it can't put a price on our happiness! Speaking of Abigail...she turned 7 weeks old on Tuesday. I had to call the pediatrician because Abigail seems to stay constipated. They suggested to add 1 teaspoon of dark Karo syrup twice a day. Boy, that stuff works great! She has been so much better! We are truly blessed with a great baby. I took a video of her today. I just love how happy she is and how much she coos. She was up most of the day so hopefully (cross my fingers), she will sleep most of the night tonight. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Abigail is 6 weeks old
I can't believe our little Abigail is 6 weeks old already. She is growing up so fast! She's really starting to fill out the 0-3 month outfits. She is still such a good baby. I'm very thankful for that. She goes for her two month checkup on January 5th. That's the week before I go back to work. We are definitely not looking forward to me going back but we have no choice. We are going to visit the daycare next week. Please pray that we make the right decisions. Thank you for your prayers. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Our week in NC
It has been a good week in North Carolina. Thanksgiving was wonderful. It was great to see my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. The food was absolutely delicious as always. I look forward to the same at Christmas. Abigail was a big hit. She is such a good baby. The only thing that she has trouble with is occassional tummy aches. It seems to always hit her at night. I give her gas drops after every meal but it sometimes doesn't help and she cries off and on for 30 minutes to an hour at night. I feel so bad for her and there's nothing more I can do than hold and rock her. She has lost some of her hair. She still has some on the sides and in the back but most of it on top is gone. I can't wait to see what color it will be when it comes back in. Abigail is starting to smile and coo for us. I added a slideshow of pictures from the past week. God has been so good to us this week. My parents have been a major blessing. I have been able to get some rest during my visit. Mom has been so helpful with Abigail. Thank you! We visited my brother and his family last Saturday. It is always nice to see them. My 17 month old neice, Jacqueline, became very protective of Abigail. Abigail was her baby. It was so cute to watch her interact with Abigail. We also got to see my dad's mom on for a few minutes on Wednesday. This week has been great but I am definitely looking forward to getting home. I truly know the meaning of "absence makes the heart grow fonder". I've missed Mark tremendously. He has put in alot of hours this week with both jobs. I've got a great husband! Please enjoy the pictures. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
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