We had a good check up at the OB doctor yesterday. My blood pressure is still doing good. It took awhile for the ultrasound technician to view what they needed to see. Abigail had her hands by her face and her legs were even up by her head too. She was doing some Pilates in my belly! I always enjoy it when we get to hear her heartbeat. I didn't tear up this time but I was smiling from ear to ear when I heard it. For a second we were able to see her face and we even saw Abigail open her mouth. What an amazing sight! The pictures we got still weren't very clear. The best shots we got were of one leg and one of her face. Her head was right under my belly button so there were alot of shadows on the pictures. The only thing the technician didn't get to see was her belly (the cord) because of how Abigail had her legs positioned. I have to go back in two weeks for another ultrasound so they can see the umbilical cord. Thank you God for a good check up! Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep us there. We boldly ask God for one more day. Until next time...God is good! All the time!
YEA!! Glad you had a good check up. That is wonderful. I will continue to keep you and Abigail in my daily prayers. God is GOOD!!
That's so wonderful! I pray for ya'll every day. You guys are truly blessed!
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