We had our 12 week ultrasound this morning. Everything looked good. We are right on track. The pictures this time aren't as defined but I posted the best one up above. It was amazing to see how much the baby had grown in the last 3 weeks. I had to laugh at the amount of squirming the baby was doing during the ultrasound. The ultrasound technician had to get some measurements and at one point the baby turned and the technician had a hard time trying to get the baby to move back. I'm kind of sore on my belly where the technician was pushing and moving the wand back and forth real fast so that the baby would move. It didn't help having a full bladder either! They did a test today to see the risk of down syndrome. We will find out those results in a week or so. I go back in on May 6th for my 16 week check up. Oh, by the way, our due date is actually October 21st. Mark and I both thought it was the 19th but all the paper work had the 21st. I guess it doesn't matter anyway since only 5% of women deliver their babies on their projected due date. Thank you all for praying for us. Please continue to do so. We boldly ask God for one more day! Until next time...God is good! All the time!
I'm so glad everything went well. Ultrasounds are so incredible! How amazing! Praying for you. Love you!
Can't wait to see pictures!
I am so excited for ya'll!!!
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